By Lynn Hagan, PsyD, CTRS, LCSW NOTE: Lynn Hagan is a social worker who lived and worked in Kuwait for five years. As part of her duties she counseled State Department employees helping them deal with the stress and tension of living in this highly volatile...
Veterans and Combat Stress
Leaving the War Half a World Away Living on High Alert Living in a Hostile World A Car Stuck in Passing Gear Fitting in My Shoes Again Leaving the War Half a World Away Army National Guard Specialist Chuck Ross Army National Guard Specialist Chuck Ross had been...
Coping With Terrorism
By Lynn Hagan, PsyD, CTRS, LCSW Terrorism threatens a society by instilling fear and helplessness in its citizens. It seeks to hold a society or government hostage by fear of destruction and harm. When terrorist acts occur, people generally look for ways to cope with...
Recovering from High Profile Traumatic Events
By Lynn Hagan, PsyD, CTRL, LCSW Introduction Changing Fear and Rage Into Support Behaviors That Can Hinder Recovery Introduction In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, many Americans, especially those affected first hand, are trying to cope with the horrendous...
Helping Teens After Surviving Rape
By Allison L. Cassidy, MSW, LCSW, and Richard S. Kingsley, MD Rape is forced, unwanted sexual intercourse. Rape is sometimes also called sexual assault. Both men and women of any age can be raped. Rape is about power, not sex. A rapist uses force or violence (or the...
How Social Workers Help in Cases of Domestic Violence
By Rebecca Cline, MSW, LISW Introduction Domestic violence (also known as interpersonal partner abuse) is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion, that adults or adolescents...
How to Spot the Signs of Domestic Violence,
By Rebecca Cline, MSW, LISW Are you experiencing domestic violence or interpersonal partner abuse? Here's how to spot the signs. Typical Behavior of People Experiencing Abuse You overcompensate You may take on more than your share of the household responsibilities....
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