Imagine a relationship where it’s okay for you to have ups and downs, where you get emotional support.
Why Some Long-Term Marriages End in Divorce
By L.B. (LeslieBeth) Wish, Ed.D, MSS Good Reasons Why Some People Stay in Long-term Marriages--What Makes These Good, Happy Marriages Work? Why Some Unhappy, Long-Term Marriages Continue Top Reasons Why Some Long-term Marriages End in Divorce ...
When Women Make More Money Than Their Male Partners
By LeslieBeth (LB) Wish, Ed.D, MSS Introduction Top Relationship Problems When Women Make More Money Solutions: How to Create a Happy Family Life When Women Make More Money Introduction Women now comprise more than fifty percent of the workforce. In many...
How Do I Know If I’m Ready for a Divorce?
By L.B. (LeslieBeth) Wish, Ed.D, MSS Introduction Tips Introduction A great question not so easily answered. Research has shown that even happy long-term marriages have rough patches that the couple manages to triumph over, not just survive. Yet, there...
The Good Wife: Why Does She Stand by Her Man?
By L.B. (LeslieBeth) Wish, Ed.D, MSS We have witnessed a series of sex scandals involving men in high-profile political positions. Senator David Vitter of Louisiana and New York Governor Eliot Spitzer admitted to using prostitution services. Married New Jersey...
Unconventional Advice on Dealing with Difficult People at the Office
By LeslieBeth Wish, EdD, MSS Introduction Observe First — Rather Than Act Confide in a Colleague as a Last Resort Confront the Difficult Person as Another Last Resort Make the Colleague or Boss Look Good by Being Indispensible Don't Personalize — Maybe ...
Tips for Single Parents to Beat the Holiday Blues
By Brenda Rodstrom, MSW, LCSW Holidays can be great. Family, friends, parties, and pretty decorations. But for single and divorcing parents, they can be challenging. One divorced mother I know said that from Thanksgiving to New Year's she wanted to hide in a closet....
Who Gets to Attend the School Play? Stepfamily Issues
By Brenda Rodstrom, MSW, LCSW Whenever summer is winding down, the anticipation of a new school year begins. Kids are wondering about new teachers, new classes, and the myriad of school activities. Some of these activities will involve parents. For parents who are...
How to Set Healthy Boundaries with a Judgmental Parent
When an adult daughter feels hurt and manipulated by her mother, a social workers helps her learn to create better boundaries with her mother.
Helping Pre-Teens and Teens Navigate Their Social World
By Julie Baron, MSW, LCSW-C Introduction Creating a Climate of Safety and Respect Teaching Social Skills Predictable Expectations and Consistent Behavior Management Driving the Message Home by Including Parents Conclusion Introduction The social development of...
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