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Transforming Anxiety, Transcending Shame

About the Author Rex Briggs, MSW, is author of the book "Transforming Anxiety, Transcending Shame." He specializes in treating, speaking and training others about anxiety, depression and stress-management. Through his clinical practice he has helped hundreds of people...

Excerpt from “Worried Sick”: Food and Mood

When we feel this fatigue, we may turn to quick sources of energy, such as caffeine and sugar, to keep going. Because the effects of those foods are short-lived, and they give us a fast boost but not a sustained one, we turn to them again and again.

Psychological First Aid for Abuse Survivors

By John D. Weaver, MSW, LCSW, BCD, ACSW, CBHE Someone you know has just shared his or her story of having been physically, sexually, and/or emotionally abused.   This could be the first time he or she has told anyone, or maybe it is just the first time it was shared...

Asperger’s Syndrome Q&A

Asperger’s Syndrome Q&A

Asperger’s was thought to affect more boys than girls by a wide margin. However, we’ve learned that girls present differently and therefore are frequently missed or misdiagnosed.

Depression and Stress During the Holidays

By Maribel Quiala, MSW, LCSW   Introduction Peace, Joy and many guests (sometimes unwelcome guests) like Depression and Stress, which can affect your health and ruin your holidays. Planning ahead, being realistic and seeking Help (support) in time of need can...

Depresión y Estrés durante las Fiestas

Depresión y Estrés durante las Fiestas

Algunos consejos simples pueden ayudar a aliviar el estrés que es parte de la temporada navideña. Puede que incluso acabes disfrutando de estas vacaciones más de lo que imaginabas

The Impact of Negative Thoughts

By Nilda Perez, MSW, LCSW-R, CCLC It all begins with a thought.   Are you aware that your thoughts command the attention of your body?   If you have happy thoughts, your body reacts.   Your facial expression, your eyes, your walk even your internal body reacts to your...

Tips for Managing the Stress of Foreclosures

By L.B. (LeslieBeth) Wish, Ed.D, MSS   Introduction Dealing with Financial Disasters Dealing with the Emotional Fallout of Financial Disasters   Introduction Disasters and tragedies of any kind such as floods, hurricanes, illnesses, accidents and financial...

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A Letter to LGBTQIA2S+ Kids, Youth from Social Workers

A Letter to LGBTQIA2S+ Kids, Youth from Social Workers

We write this letter to LGBTQIA2S+ kids and youth to express deep gratitude that you exist, because our world would be incomplete without you. We honor the richness of your authenticity and openly proclaim that you are perfect exactly as you are. Ralph Waldo Emerson...

Ask a Social Worker: My son is being bullied

Ask a Social Worker: My son is being bullied

My 12-year-old son is getting bullied in school. He is not very athletic or popular but excels in his classes and band. But I’m worried. He complains he is sick more and wants to stay home instead of going to class. I think he is depressed. Some of the bullying may be...

Ask a Social Worker: My son is threatening suicide

Ask a Social Worker: My son is threatening suicide

At the beginning of the pandemic, my son, who dropped out of college, became really withdrawn. He is now threatening to commit suicide. We called a hotline and they suggested family therapy. But my partner, his father, doesn’t believe him. He thinks he’s manipulating...