By Mary Raymer, MSW, ACSW Introduction How Do Social Workers Evaluate with Individuals and Families? Social Workers Are Part of a Hospice Team Introduction The social work profession helps individuals, families, groups and/or communities enhance or...
death and dying
A Positive Dying Experience
What Makes a Positive Dying Experience? From a consumer and family member point of view, research indicates that having a high-quality, end of life experience can occur if care: Ensures desired levels of physical and emotional support Promotes shared decision-making...
Hospice and Palliative Care
What Is Hospice? Hospice is a specialized program that addresses the needs of the catastrophically ill and their loved ones. A team approach is provided in hospice that may involve physicians, nurses, social workers, clergy, home health aids, volunteers, therapists...
Death and Dying: Organizations that Help
Find organizations that help people face issues around death and dying.
Planning Your End of Life Care
Introduction You can prepare for a potential medical crisis by taking steps today to ensure your participation in future health care decision: GATHER the information you need to make the right choices for you. TALK about end-of-life decisions with your family,...
Death and Dying: What you need to know
You might experience a range of feelings both before a loved one dies and long afterward.
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