Find a Social Worker

social workers with clients of various ages and ethnicities

There are many places to find professional social workers who provide individual psychotherapy and other forms of mental health assistance, including group therapy and support groups.

Use these online directories below to help jump-start your search for the right therapist. These sites list thousands of clinical social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and other licensed mental health professionals.

Therapy involves talking with a trained professional about conditions ranging from depression and anxiety to relationship conflicts and career frustrations. Therapy provides ways to express feelings, understand patterns of thinking, gain perspective on past events and current relationships, set goals, and clarify dreams for the future.

HelpPRO offers immediate access to comprehensive information about clinical social workers and therapists across the country who can help.  Developed in partnership with NASW.

Social workers previously registered in the HelpPRO Social Worker Finder are now listed on, where you can search licensed therapists by specialty, including clinical social workers.

Clinicians can get listed on

Psychology Today

Clinical social workers make up more than 40 percent of the Psychology Today therapy listings. Many also run blogs on a range of mental wellness topics.

Use Network Therapy’s website to research different mental illnesses and find a therapist.

People often choose therapy in times of stress or emotional pain, or when they want to grow. The decision to call a therapist may be a difficult one but is viewed as a strength — not knowing the answers to all your life questions is normal. Whatever your reason for seeking therapy, the right therapist will listen to your concerns and help you decide upon an appropriate course of action.

Other ways to find the right therapist for you

  • Talk to trusted friends, family, or clergy about professionals they may know
  • Ask another health care provider, such as a family doctor, for a recommendation
  • Ask your health insurance company for a mental health provider list
  • Use a referral service from a national professional organization for therapists
  • Contact a local or national mental health organization or national medical society